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North American Dipterists Society

10th International Congress of Dipterology

For electronic payments, please use the form below. Our electronic payments are securely processed through iATS Payments, where we can accept credit cards (from everywhere), or direct bank withdrawal (from US banks only). If the form does not appear below, you can go directly to the same form at the external payment site.

For alternative methods of payment, please go back to the Registration Guidelines page.

For more information, such as the dates and costs for early/regular/late registration, the cancellation refund policy, abstract submission deadlines, please see our Key dates.

Please contact us at icdx@dipterists.org if you have any questions or trouble registering.

We are a nonprofit organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code, and payments may be tax deductible charitable contributions. You will receive written acknowledgment and thanks for your payment.