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Dipterists Society

An International Society for Dipterology

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Dipterists Society

Digital Media

The entrance of the Society into the digital world was in 1996 with the posting of the “Directory of North American Dipterists” on the web, after having been previously distributed in hard copy along with the mailings of early Fly Times issues.

Shortly thereafter (and only shortly after production using a dot matrix printer was replaced with a laser printer), with the October 1997 issue (#9), the Fly Times was available in both an html version on the web and a mailed hard copy. This continued through the April 2001 issue (#26), after which the Fly Times was available as a downloadable PDF instead of html. Production and mailing of hard copies ceased after the October 2007 issue (#39), leaving only the PDF version online.

For distributable digital media (which are listed in the Digital Media section), the first CD-ROM publication was volume 1 of the Diptera Data Dissemination Disk in 1998, which was distributed among interested dipterists and then included along with volume 9 of Myia. This was followed by volume 2 in 2004. Although we will likely not produce further CD-ROM publications in this format, we anticipate moving forward with digital resources via the world wide web.

Diptera Data Dissemination Disk

Volume 1 (1999)
Thompson, F.C. (editor)

Among the resources present in this volume are:

Digital Data Dissemination Disk volume 1
  • Fruit Fly Expert Identification System
  • Fruit Fly Systematic Information Database
  • Myia volume 9 (Fruit Fly Expert Identification System and Systematic Information Database, in PDF format)
  • Myia volume 9 (Fruit Fly Expert Identification System and Systematic Information Database, in PDF format)
  • Myia volume 10 (Family-group names in Diptera, in PDF format)
  • Key to the mosquito genera of the world
  • Biosystematic Database of World Diptera
  • Diptera collection inventory, National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC

Volume 2 (2004)
Norrbom, A.L., & Thompson, F.C. (editors)

Among the resources present in this volume are:

Digital Data Dissemination Disk volume 2
  • Archive versions of various Diptera Websites, including Jim O’Hara’s Tachinidae Resource Website, Mike Irwin & Gail Kampmeier’s Stiletto Fly Website and the Diptera Web site
  • Kevin’s Holstein’s Systematic Database of Therevidae names
  • Allen Norrbom’s Host plant database for Anastrepha and Toxotrypana (Diptera: Tephritidae)
  • John Strazanac’s Electronic database and revision of Arnaud’s Host-Parasite catalog of North American Tachinidae
  • Dipterists’ Directory
  • BioSystematic Database of World Diptera
  • A new Window’s based version (INTKEY) of the Pest fruit flies of the World
  • Updates to Allen Norrbom's Tephritidae database through 1999
  • MANDALA, a database system for systematics and biodiversity studies