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Dipterists Society

An International Society for Dipterology

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Dipterists Society


The North American Dipterists Society has had an active program of meetings and other events for dipterists in North America since 1989.

Current upcoming meetings:

The inaugural issue of the Fly Times included an invitation to the first gathering of what would become the biennial Field Meeting of the North American Dipterists Society, held every two years since at a field station to allow time and good habitats for collecting. These meetings are are held at different venues across North America, and occasionally outside of North America, to provide an opportunity for dipterists to collect flies in a larger group situation and to exchange ideas during oral and poster presentations.

With issue 3 of the Fly Times came an announcement for what has become the Annual Meeting of the North American Dipterists Society, which is held as part of the annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Starting as an Informal Conference titled "Diptera Systematics", this was soon recognized as the annual meeting of the North American Dipterists Society, and was given billing as such in the ESA meeting program.

We will also be starting an outreach program for the Society, as soon as time and resources permit.

Although there is not a formal affiliation between the North American Dipterists Society and the International Congresses of Dipterology (ICD), the North American Dipterists Society hosts the web presence for the ICD, providing information on upcoming and current Congresses, as well as information about the Council of International Congresses of Dipterology and their proceedings.

Many other meetings of dipterists take place all over North America and the world, and information about such meetings past and upcoming is also presented here. This is not an exhaustive list, so please feel free to contact us if you think something should be added.

Event and outreach announcements will be made through these web pages, as well as the Fly Times and our Dipterists mailing list server.